Carla Jonsson

Carla Jonsson works as Professor in Educational Work at the Department of Language Studies, at Umeå University, Sweden. She is Associate Professor in bilingualism. Her research interests include multilingualism in education, work life and personal life, translingual literacies, language policy, language ideologies, minority languages, translanguaging and linguistic ethnography. Some of her recent publications deal with translanguaging as theoretical concept and as pedagogy for language learning, and translingual literacies. She has published in journals such as Applied Linguistics Review, Discourse, Context & Media, International Journal of Bilingualism, International Journal of Multilingualism, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Journal of Digital Social Research, and Journal of Pragmatics. Carla Jonsson currently works as Principal Investigator in the ethnographic research project “Mother tongues, minorities and linguistic heterogeneity: Teaching methods and teaching practices in preschools and schools with a focus on literacies” funded by the Swedish Institute for Educational Research (2022-2024).
Writing Language Ethnographically